Have not been updating cos i'm a big lazy nincompoop. And also i'm damn busy wif school.
I made my blog a damn lot gayer cos i'm coming out of the closet and am advocating screwed up sexuality. Just joking.
Don't believe me. That was really just a joke. I'm straighter than a ruler.
Ok. That's all. See you in a dozen years.
oh. And feed that gay thing on the right. It's a growing boy.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Yo... everyone
Posted by
9:44 AM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
More than month later.....
haha hello!!!...i'm back 2day to write some stuff..ok ive been away for quite some time now coz of many stuffs man such as...i really feel guilty of not updating man sry..
REASONS >>>>(not in order of priority)
- i was lazy..... pls cane me
- the IFO trainings end very late. (eg. leaving clarke Quay at 11 plus)
- the computers at home was sabotaged by some malicious software and both crashed
- i do nite cycling wif my school friends who are (Wei Yang, Jun Ming, Derek and XK)some names are covered up lest my father happens to stuble over this blog
- oh and the cycling can be from 10pm to 3am so yeah....we usually go and look for makan places though and end up being unheathier every time we go out =)
- i dun really have any pictures to let u all see..
- oh and the crazy SP which i got into, sent me whole buch of enrolment stuff which gave me a migrain and almost missed the online enrolment deadline ....haix
...............................................okay those are the main reasons..................................................
Posted by
12:27 AM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
...playing pool....
...swee taking aim...
..haha..dasuki and alvis lugging their presents back...
Posted by
8:17 AM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
friday and pictures!!!
...my 1st pay for working for about 6 days...
....the lazy fella....grr...
..one single scoop christina flavoured ice cream pls..
..ok that would be $3.20 mam...oh forget, it just take the whole tub..
...my punch card for this month..haha=$$$...
...some random pic....
Posted by
6:25 AM
Friday, February 1, 2008
i'm just a sad boi...at times
well....yeah i've been really upset with my father lately ... coz i'm just tired of him, his precious money, and his f*%@ing attitude towards how he does things....wah piang i'm starting to hate that bugger man....wlao...sorry for saying wlao but i'm stressed...i wish i was an orphan man...or better still born into my cousins family....damn his life is so good my aunty is such a nice woman...sob...sob...lifes unfair..hmm....maybe my father isnt my real father....i wish....
Posted by
10:38 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
i'm a little lazy...ok quite
yeah hi...ok this is gonna be a little boring but wth....so, after working as usual at polar, i met up wif princess at about 6:10 pm , ok....not really we met up....its more like i meet him at his sausage stall at tanjong pagar...hahaha...princess was so funny la..... dressed in his yellow apron ...so i went up to him and asked him wad was nice to eat and...he said hotdogs.... so i tried to order ( ordering the hotdog there is as complicated as subway man!! its like u gotta choose ur sausage 1st then ur bun or prata then)....well i ended up asking for his highness's recommendation for wad would would be nice...so in the end i ate some prata dog with god knows wad funny toppings....oh i ordered a meal and sat on one of the 2 chairs at that tiny shop.....we were also waiting for benjamin who was doing something and in the end couldnt make it.....so after princess finished work, we took the train to bugis where he stayed and where i wanted to buy my RC stuff for my broken lama...his highness escorted me to sim lim SQ where the shop was and asked how much would the parts cost....he asked me how much i brought and straight away said to come back another day coz i only brought $1o ( yeah...matthew is poor :(..... )...after tat desmond(..too long alrdy la tired of typing..)...suggested to go walking around the place...i agreed and we walked somewhere around bugis and guess who i met? sir levi!!!! he was working at G2000...haha mopping the flr...i went to the door and said " yo levi!!...i too cheapo to go in rite?" ow wth...i was carrying a mcflurry wad....so we went into the spectacle shop coz dear desmond was looking for contact lenses....damn that vain pot he got thin lips already still wanna be handsomer...nvr think of me sia me and my BJ lips...(if there were a li[stick which could conceal ur lips i would be the 1st wan to buy it la!!)...haha jking only r?....yeah desmond suddenly suggested we go catch a movie at PS....i dunno why i agreed but well i agreed and so we went and watched 3:10 to yuma wif no friggin idea of wad the heck the show was except it had ok looking actors like christian bale and gladiator, russel crowe......i was happy we watched that show coz i took the 2nd last train back and the last bus home-again...yeah tats about it thanks for reading this long compo =)
Posted by
11:21 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
naughty farhan teaching me how to have fun

the target....
....the sniper.....
..at the range..
alamak!..miss..too high!!....
...i hit the target 1st and blew off its arse!!!...
...sore loser farhan...blasted our target at point blank with mortar pebble...
....i'm scared!!!.....dont kill me!!!
after that we played carrom...and i won 2 out of 3 rounds...
...after that we played DotA with the AIs on the com and then farhan had to go to a meeting in bishan....and so b4 that i offered farhan a small cup of hagan daz ice cream b4 he left and there went my CHEAPO father!!!! once i mentioned about the ice cream, his eyes widened then followed me to the store room where he hid his ice cream and said oy at least ask permission 1st lah...and can you belive it ? farhan was just 2 metres away from us sia!!! then i said to him, wah daddy u really no shame sia...shame on you....he cant even eat the ice cream coz he has diabetes and he still wants to keep the ice cream for himself!!!
haix wad a stingy scrooge cum chinese jew i have here!!!!!
Posted by
11:32 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
a long day at polar...
i reached polar at 7:46 AM 2day...quite tired and still missing my phone...helped set up the CNY cookies and stuff...after about 4 hours, we started running out of pastries...coz the day b4 one of my collegues forgot to place orders for the puffs and stuffs. we ran out of a lot of things on the same day...pastries, plastic bags, plastic disposable plates, and worst of all milk....so the day went by....oh yeah and the collegue who forgot to order the stuff yesterday called at about 12 something....unfortunately for him, he thought i was the area manager, jon, and so scrambled all the way down to polar in a cab which costed him 16 dlrs....upon arriving and seeing my face, he let out all the bad words while i was laughing....oh enuf of that...so the day went by and i learnt how to serve ice cream!!!! hahaha....next time u want a big scoop find me then u'll geddit hahaha...yeah and i worked all the way till 7 pm then i rushed to bedok to play LAN wif benjamin...we played for about 2 plus hours before i left at about 11:1o pm while they ate at the roti prata stalls nearby.....they were gonna play until the next morning...well i got on the 2nd last train and the last bus b4 i reached home thats all sorry no pics :(
Posted by
2:34 AM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Wake up my Idea!!!!
OK....so many things happened in the time that i did not update my blog (..i'm sorry...)starting from what i can remember...
- I my beloved wife( sony ericsson w810i...sob...she'll always be in my heart...i've always listened to your walkman voice during boring bus-rides and terrible train-rides...please bow ur heads in a moment of silence.... :(
- To make matters even more hopeless.... was that the person who found the phone switched her off to show his/her dishonesty...
- I almost got fined or sum-munned bloody $30 today as i entered simei MRT coz i brought in a cup of bubble tea(...details later)
- I think i'm permanently at Polar citylink till march and i cannot work together with farhan...sob....sob...gush....wlao!!!!!..i 'si-bei' sad already man....
- I painted my grand-father's a few steets away...you might not think thats a big deal-wait till you see the place for yourself its like a haunted house man...wait till i get a few pics of it....well fortunately i was paid for the job...by my father :)
- i'm now looking for a new phone...i'm considering sony eric. k850i, k810i, k800i, k770i and the nokia 5610 xpress music any suggestions? coz this is giving me a big headache now and i HAVE to get on with life...
- i've got to do a proposal for the IFO aff. ceremony thing in powerpoint format with chiam's help of course!
- went to chankat changi sec's cca fair...and met my dear abang zaini.... :)
ON SUBJECT number : 1 & 2
my phone....how did it get lost? well after i brought farhan for his 'interview' at great world city(GWC) for a lousy job at polar(...in which we thought we could work together at the same outlet...)we were finding a way back to cityhall MRT from GWC coz there wasnt any bus-stop in sight when we exi-ted the building except for a shuttle bus stand so we waited for the bus...farhan borrowed my phone and returned it to me b4 i fell asleep on the bus...when i awoke and got off the bus i, i did not realize anything dropped coz i might have been too dazed...yeah..thats sort of how it happened..5 mins after alighting i realized this and asked farhan to all my phone...it was still ringing....we hurried back to where we alighted and stupidly waited for the next shuttle bus...while we waited, farhan kept calling my phone until the dishonest piece of s@#t!!! switched my phone off....almost end of story...i froze the line temporarily and the next day after poplar work, i gave the bus driver my contact if in the unlikely case found the phone.
ON SUBJECT number : 3
wah piang...this few weeks damn sway man...lost phone then 2day almost kenna fined....haiz..life's cruel especially in S'pore..after visiting the CCSS cca fair, i and zaini were given a tour around eastpoint (its a mall) by dear mr benjamin....so zaini left both of us and we went to the bubble tea shop coz ben said the drinks there were damn good which almost cost me 30 bucks!!!...since i had to go to yishun to meet khairul for the IFO thing....so this is how it went after departing from ben.
i naturally tapped my card and walked calmly through the machine,was about to go up the escalator when it happened....
Security: "Hey boy! you take the MRT how long already?" ( i realized the mistake and acted blur..."err...wad u mean? i just got into the station?!")he said:" you take MRT long enough to know you are not supposed to eat or drink in the station rite?"..i said:" er.. yeah?" ..."give me your ic !" (so i gave it to him) then he told me to stand outside the passenger service counter while he went inside (...rite then i swear i felt like a primary schl boi at detention..) then he told me he was going to fine me thirty dlrs for drinking inside the MRT station!!!! wah piang....at that point i damn scared and very angry at the same time...so i argued with him..."for what?!!...excuse me, the reason why there is this rule called 'no eating and drinking' is because they are afraid ppl will litter the floor with their rubbish and all but i have not even spilt a drop of condensation from my cup and you want to fine me?!!"....so he asked " then wad do you think i should do to you?"..i reply " give me a warning and let me throw the cup away la!".."why should i? how i know this is not the 1st time you are doing this ? "..(well wad can i say?)..so i said,"this is the 1st time i'm doing this, wad you should do now is give me a warning so i would know the severity of the offence and let me go!" well, in the end.... he let me go but asked me to keep the drink in my bag...........best of all after sitting in the train for awhile, i saw 4 guys slurping the 7-11 slurpee and gulps on the train...grr....just makes me boil
i'll update stuff some other time bb....
Posted by
7:31 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Sorry for my long term leave !!!
hi guys....wlao gotta restart my blog engine again...no more steam alrdy....haha..anyway...i'll be blogging about my shanghai trip a little at a time la...i still have to find my diary i wrote during my trip....all my memories are in there....ohh anyways...i've run out of stuff presently to talk about...i dont feel very happy this few days...haha mayb i got menopause :)....i feel grumpy... :(....my helicopter crash....so many probs...i think i going to go emo...ahahahaha...or siao.
Posted by
8:29 PM