Saturday, December 22, 2007

my 6th day...working at polar puffs

hi...again my dear patrons.....wlao eh...2day i work 8 long hours at polar city link y'knw...yes...yes i could use some pity ...thanks. basically 2day ...i worked from 12 to 8pm and now i'm sort of like a working adult !!!!!.. i'm just gonna do a short blog on yesterday's cam whoring session at the old parliment house after my ,indeed-very-below-expectation-of the food junction....

...trying to act emo.... i feel i fail badly....

...*knock*..* knock*...anybody in court? polar puff delivery? u ordered err 10 chiken pies? since there's a promotion for 2 for $ total would be...

...artistic shot rite??....

well i think thats about it...sorry cant really entertain u wif this blog...coz nothing interesting occurred ya

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