Tuesday, January 29, 2008

i'm a little lazy...ok quite

yeah hi...ok this is gonna be a little boring but wth....so, after working as usual at polar, i met up wif princess at about 6:10 pm , ok....not really we met up....its more like i meet him at his sausage stall at tanjong pagar...hahaha...princess was so funny la..... dressed in his yellow apron ...so i went up to him and asked him wad was nice to eat and...he said hotdogs.... so i tried to order ( ordering the hotdog there is as complicated as subway man!! its like u gotta choose ur sausage 1st then ur bun or prata then)....well i ended up asking for his highness's recommendation for wad would would be nice...so in the end i ate some prata dog with god knows wad funny toppings....oh i ordered a meal and sat on one of the 2 chairs at that tiny shop.....we were also waiting for benjamin who was doing something and in the end couldnt make it.....so after princess finished work, we took the train to bugis where he stayed and where i wanted to buy my RC stuff for my broken lama...his highness escorted me to sim lim SQ where the shop was and asked how much would the parts cost....he asked me how much i brought and straight away said to come back another day coz i only brought $1o ( yeah...matthew is poor :(..... )...after tat desmond(..too long alrdy la tired of typing..)...suggested to go walking around the place...i agreed and we walked somewhere around bugis and guess who i met? sir levi!!!! he was working at G2000...haha mopping the flr...i went to the door and said " yo levi!!...i too cheapo to go in rite?" ow wth...i was carrying a mcflurry wad....so we went into the spectacle shop coz dear desmond was looking for contact lenses....damn that vain pot he got thin lips already still wanna be handsomer...nvr think of me sia me and my BJ lips...(if there were a li[stick which could conceal ur lips i would be the 1st wan to buy it la!!)...haha jking only r?....yeah desmond suddenly suggested we go catch a movie at PS....i dunno why i agreed but well i agreed and so we went and watched 3:10 to yuma wif no friggin idea of wad the heck the show was except it had ok looking actors like christian bale and gladiator, russel crowe......i was happy we watched that show coz i took the 2nd last train back and the last bus home-again...yeah tats about it thanks for reading this long compo =)

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