Monday, January 21, 2008

a long day at polar...

i reached polar at 7:46 AM 2day...quite tired and still missing my phone...helped set up the CNY cookies and stuff...after about 4 hours, we started running out of pastries...coz the day b4 one of my collegues forgot to place orders for the puffs and stuffs. we ran out of a lot of things on the same day...pastries, plastic bags, plastic disposable plates, and worst of all the day went by....oh yeah and the collegue who forgot to order the stuff yesterday called at about 12 something....unfortunately for him, he thought i was the area manager, jon, and so scrambled all the way down to polar in a cab which costed him 16 dlrs....upon arriving and seeing my face, he let out all the bad words while i was laughing....oh enuf of the day went by and i learnt how to serve ice cream!!!! time u want a big scoop find me then u'll geddit hahaha...yeah and i worked all the way till 7 pm then i rushed to bedok to play LAN wif benjamin...we played for about 2 plus hours before i left at about 11:1o pm while they ate at the roti prata stalls nearby.....they were gonna play until the next morning...well i got on the 2nd last train and the last bus b4 i reached home thats all sorry no pics :(

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